Published On: November 1, 2021

Brendan Merry & Partners are delighted to have been involved in the successful delivery of the Roof Restoration at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. It is the most significant building works that have been carried out on the Cathedral in Dublin in the last 150 years. The project has secured the 800-year-old building for generations to come.

The two-year restoration project on the medieval building’s roof cost €9.4 million and included the replacement of 14,000 roof slates, gutters and walkways, as well as the repair of masonry, glazing and carpentry. Also included in the renovation works were important upgrades to the fire safety systems.

Clancy Construction carried out the Roof Restoration Project with Specialist Sub-Contractors including Ainscaff Scaffolding, Custom Crew Roofing, Conservation & Restoration, Holywell Glass and Connon Stained Glass Studios.

Benjamin + Beauchamp Architects were the Design Team Lead on the project with Punch Structural Engineers and Arup Services Engineers directing the structural renovations and services requirements.

The Dean of St Patrick’s the Very Rev Dr. William Morton said it was a wonderful moment for St Patrick’s Cathedral to have completed the works.

We wish St. Patrick’s Cathedral continued joy through their Worship, Liturgy, Music and Evensong. We also hope that visitor numbers to the Cathedral continue to rise to fund the immense task of maintaining and keeping the Cathedral in magnificent condition.

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