Published On: January 4, 2021

Substantial Completion has now been reached on the construction works to the Lower House. BMP were appointed as part of a very experienced conservation and restoration Design Team headed up by Fitzgerald Kavanagh & Partners Architects by the Grangegorman Development Agency to carry out the works within the Grangegorman Campus of the Technology University Dublin.

This ambitious project has restored the building and brought it into use once again. The Lower House will form an important part of the new University campus, offering a range of services for the staff and student body. There will be a large catering facility and coffee shop while the building will also provide Union areas and facilities along with a dance studio and some indoor sports areas. There will also be a number of rooms for the Conservatory of Music and Drama. It will be linked by way of a landscaped walkway to the East Quad.

This 4,000sq.m. refurbishment project which also includes over 400sq.m. of new extensions has been extremely challenging due to the exposed nature of the structure, the significant structural works required, the extremely tight timeframe set out by the Client and all of this carried out on a protected structure in the middle of a global pandemic.

It will be fantastic to see the students of TUD breathing new life into this magnificent building over the coming years.

BMP are also delighted to be appointed by the GDA for another conservation project on campus namely the Clock Tower Priority Stabilisation and Fabric Protection Works. We look forward to progressing this project over the course of 2021.

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