Published On: August 31, 2019

Trinity College Dublin have now completed their “refresh” works of the Arts Building within their campus which encompassed a series of practical interventions and alterations, all aimed at improving the working environment for students and staff alike.

Due to the heavy use of the Arts Building it was necessary to break the works into two distinct phases which were executed over Summer 2018 and Summer 2019. Even then, the summer works were sub divided on a floor by floor basis to minimise disruption to the permanent teaching staff during the off-season summer months.

The works were restricted to the main circulation areas and included new floor and ceiling finishes, new loose furniture and built-in furniture, new lighting and light boxes, upgrades to certain teaching spaces, way-finding signage and digital information screens, landscaping to internal courtyards, etc.

BMP worked in conjunction with Lafferty Project Managers as a PM/QS team and the work was overseen by MCORM Architects.

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