Published On: May 31, 2017
BMP May 2017 news

Construction works begin in earnest in May 2017 with the construction of a new sixteen classroom National School with Special Needs Unit in a two storey building with a proposed floor area of 3,178 sq.m. The existing School will be demolished in phases to enable the existing School to remain in operation.

Work began this month for the new three storey 32 No. classroom Primary School complete with general purpose hall, library and staff facilities. Phase One of the works which includes the provision of twenty two classroom temporary accommodation and ancillary enabling works has commenced and is due for completion in October 2017. The construction of the 32 No. classroom Primary School with junior play area’s and 3 No. ball courts will commence in November 2017.

Phase One of the enabling works is now complete in Douglas Cork for St. Columba’s Boys National School new 24 No. classroom and 3 No. ASD classroom two storey building. Works have now commenced for the provision of 17 No. classroom temporary accommodation and associated site development works. When the works are complete St. Columba’s Boys National School will have a new access road, two storey Primary School of 4,530 sq.m., courtyard play area’s and 3 No. ball courts.

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