Published On: June 30, 2015

The procurement stage for the proposed Retrofit Works and New Special Care Residential Unit at Crannog Nua, Portrane is now at an end and we are now entering the implementation stage with a start on site date expected in early July 2015. The challenge now for all involved is to deliver the Project safely to the ‘required standard’ ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’.

On behalf of the Employer, Tusla their agents the Health Service Executive it is a challenge we at Brendan Merry &Partners very much look forward to.

We are again delighted to be part of a very experienced Design Team with McCullough Mulvin Architects, O’Connor Sutton Cronin and JV Tierney. The successful main contractor is Duggan Brothers (Contractors) Ltd. from Templemore, Co. Tipperary. The contract duration is approximately 60 weeks.

The proposed works consist of the Construction of a New Special Childcare Residential Unit, New Infill Extension between existing School and Gym and the Refurbishment of Six Existing Buildings together with Associated Site works on the campus to provide a New and Integrated Special Residential Care Unit at Portrane, Co. Dublin.

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